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Waitlist Form for Billie J. Ross

🚨Billie will not be accepting new clients until 2025.
Billie's schedule is available for booking one month in advance; Tuesday-Thursday 9 am - 3 pm. We get cancellations weekly, so we encourage new and existing clients to check the booking schedule frequently in the interim. Please complete your waitlist form for the current week you are requesting only. Waitlist requests past one week from today's date will not be received. New client waitlist forms that do not request consultation services will not be accepted
Please do not list "OPEN, ANY DAY WORKS, NEXT AVAILABLE," etc. Please be specific in your availability by listing your available dates and times. To receive the best appointment time, if you have to leave at a certain time for any reason, please list that time as well. 
Please be specific. If needed for a reference, the services we offer can be found on our booking site by clicking this link.

New Clients must request the consultation option only listed on our booking site for the waitlist form to be accepted. 
If you are a New Client and I am unavailable, would you like another Stylist to contact you?

Thank you for your request! You will be contacted should an opening occur. If you are a new client, a New Client Consultation is required as your first initial appointment. Please be sure you have created a client profile on my booking site. 

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